- Venues
Service matters
Download our Venue/Operator App
How It Works
Customers rate, review & tip real-time. Staff receive this data directly and so do you. You can really understand customer expectations, boost productivity and improve customer loyalty.

Get real time alerts for poor service
Get real time alerts for "poor" service
Service Status (this is referring to operator dashboard statistics)
Service Status (this is referring to operator dashboard statistics)
Staff Leaderboard
Staff Leaderboard
Staff Review & Tip Status
Staff Review & Tip Status score for potential recruits
05 score for potential recruits
Rate and Tip
Service Staff
  • Higher levels of client feedback by prompting feedback live vs using surveys

  • Real time alerts on service enabling fast intervention and responses

  • Receive negative reviews directly vs them hit public domain

  • More detailed service and client expectation information - specific to the team member and time stamped to help understand issues

  • Attract and retain top talent through the potential for additional earnings for them

  • Identify top performers and harness data to improve training

  • Ability to measure and compare staff performance on an individual basis like never before

  • Your own portal to access feedback data and trends – saves times vs manual collation of survey responses

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